Traffic is defined as any message for which a radio operator transmits or receives on behalf of a third party. Operators are expected to transmit and receive messages exactly as they are composed without any spelling or editorial changes.
No messages or content of any message can be shared with outside parties without the approval of the public information officer or EC. FCC Regulations require that operators must maintain a copy of any third-party messages
Plain English and ITU Phonetics are to be used at all times. Common Prowords and tactical call signs can be used.
Ten Codes and other “Ham Speak” terms are to be avoided
Common Procedural Words Prowords
“OVER” – used at the end of a statement indicating Net Control should speak
“Stand By” – Wait until Net Control can respond
“Break” – a pause allowing new traffic to enter into the Net
“Relay” – Notifies Net Control of traffic not reaching their station
“Returning” – Notifies Net Control you are returning to the Net
“Out” – Used to indicate termination of the traffic exchange. You’re call sign at the end of the exchange should be used as well.