Sarasota Amateur Radio Emergency Service (SRQ ARES)
February 2024

General Overview of ARRL ARES
SRQARES Organization
SRQARES Membership Training Levels
SRQARES Team Leadership
Activation of SRQARES
- Introduction
- Activation Level 4 (GREEN)
- Activation Level 3 (YELLOW)
- Activation Level 2 (ORGANGE)
- Activation Level 1 (RED)
- Four Conditions for Activation
SRQARES Standard Operaing Procedures (SOP)
- Introduction and Expectations
- Forms
- Check In Procedure
- Traffic Handling
- Recovery Operations
- Situation Reports
- Simplex Operaton
- Net Protocols
- Paperwork and Reporting
SRQARES Deployment
Served Agency Membership
SRQARES utilizes the vast communication infrastructure of SERC for emergency communications. We are very fortunate to have the American Red Cross as a served agency. We have a very strong relationship with our local chapter. Our communications center, aka REDCOM is located in the Red Cross Chapter Headquarters at 2001 Cantu Court, Sarasota 34232 and is fully equipped and is available to us on a 24/7/365 basis. They have requested that a volunteer member of the Red Cross be present when REDCOM is open, operational and staffed. This is mainly for liability purposes.
It is strongly suggested that because the Red Cross is a served agency, members of SRQARES should become a Red Cross volunteer member. While not a requirement for membership in either SERC or SRQARES, there are advantages to being a Red Cross volunteer member. The Red Cross volunteer category, in the past, for SERC & SRQARES has been in the “Disaster Services Technology/ “Disaster Workforce Member” or “General Volunteer” group. As of 03/27/2023, the Red Cross has created a specific position for SERC/ SRQARES as “Ham Radio Operators- Regional”. Volunteer hours and mileage can be entered and tracked via the Red Cross Volunteer connection website.
The Red Cross is supporting us and we should support their mission, which states “The American Red Cross prevents and alleviates human suffering in the face of emergencies by mobilizing the power of volunteers and the generosity of donors”.