Upon activation of SRQARES, all participating members need to be aware of their responsibilities as ARES operators. Our job is to support communications between served agencies whether it’s the ARC, Sarasota EOC, Hospitals or other agencies. We are working for them, not SRQARES. Thus, usual casual communication practices are suspended and a formal structured communication plan is implemented. By following news and weather reports preceding an event, operators should have some idea as to any pending emergency situations that might result in an SRQARES activation.
Remember that your first duty is to yourself, your family, and your property. Attend to the safety and well being of our family and your property first. Then prepare yourself for possible SRQARES assignments.
As a member of SRQARES the organization has the following expectations of you:
- Being able to effectively communicate with the R&I Net (Resource & Information).
- Understand basic operating procedures.
- Able to switch to alternative frequencies as necessary.
- Able to operate using simplex operations.
- Able to act as a relay station in the event of simplex operation.
- Be able to maintain operation for a minimum of 72 hrs.
- Be able to manually program your radio should the need arise.
- Participate in weekly check-ins and scheduled drills/exercises.
SRQARES members can only be activated or deployed by our Emergency Coordinator EC at which time specific instructions and necessary credentials will be issued. Operators are not expected to relocate from the safety and security of their base station until deployed and are no longer needed at any emergency evacuation shelters within Sarasota County. Immediate needs, County shelters are now staffed by County Employees. Long term shelters (72 hours post event) will be operated by the Red Cross and SRQARES will support those. If you evacuate to an emergency shelter you will find yourself in the general population, not in a radio room.
- Take care of yourself, your family, and your personal property first. That is the first priority for any volunteer.
- Remain at your base of operations and prepare for any event such as severe weather.
- Ensure you have emergency power available, extra batteries, generator, etc.
- Ensure you have emergency supplies on hand for at least a 72 hour duration.