SRQARES Officials have been notified by one or more served agencies that reserve communications operators and services may be needed in the near future. No timeframe is associated with this alert level. SRQARES leaders should maintain contact on the state, regional and local nets to:
- Review the ARES emergency communications plan
- Contact potential ARES clients and the served agencies, and review plans and contingencies.
- Notify ARES members that activation is possible.
- Establish a R&I Net twice a day (0800 and 2000 hours)
SRQARES members should;
- Review their family emergency plan
- Refresh food, water and clothes in go-kits
- Check or charge HT and storage batteries weekly
- Keep their vehicle fuel tank more than half full
- Members should stay tuned to the assigned emergency frequencies (SAR-1/SAR-2) for further developments.
Radio Operations may proceed with Emergency, Priority and Routine traffic.